Exchange & Return Policy

Want to return a product? You can easily and quickly do this in three simple steps.

You can return your order up to 14 days after receipt, and we will ensure that the purchase amount is refunded to your account within five working days after receiving the return shipment.

Easy returns in three simple steps:

Step 1: The return address is Achter het Stadhuis 1A, 5211 HM 's-Hertogenbosch The Netherlands. Please write this on the package you received.

Step 2: Send your order back. Send the items to the return address. Make sure the package includes a tracking number. As the sender, you are responsible, and we want to avoid any misunderstandings.

Step 3: Receive the purchase amount on your bank account. Once we have received the package, we will ensure that the purchase amount is refunded to your bank account within five working days.